Trauma is the mind’s way of exposing a person to dangers that may include abuse, neglect, or loss. The trauma triggers can come from the body's reaction to a physical or emotional event. For example, trauma can happen in various ways including, emotional, mental, physical, sexual, financial, and verbal. It may leave a person with severe PTSD.
Seeking help for any abuse will allow you to release deep-seated hurt or anger.
Trauma can happen at any age.
Trauma is a normal response to an event that causes fear, anxiety, and stress in our body. The body’s alarm system goes off when we perceive danger. This response is called the fight or flight response. When we are trapped in a dangerous situation and there is no way to escape, our bodies go into survival mode. This response can be triggered by anything that causes us fear or anxiety.
Trauma happens when we feel unsafe in our environment or when someone else causes us fear or anxiety. When this happens to someone else it is called abuse; however, trauma can also occur when we witness violence or abuse even if it does not involve us directly being abused.
The brain processes traumatic experiences through three stages: memory, dissociation (using other parts of the brain), and re-experiencing (re-experiencing memories).
What are triggers? Trauma triggers are symptoms that remind you of the trauma. They can be words, voices, smells, or images. For example, a car crash survivor might have trouble driving on busy streets. These are the reasons why people with PTSD may act out in certain ways. The muscle memory of the body remembers trauma for a very long time. The cells are programmed to remember the abuse.
If you've recently experienced a trauma, you're not alone. Millions of people around the world experience traumatic events every day. But with the right help, it doesn't have to be permanent. The human brain is incredible. With the right help, whatever you're dealing with doesn't have to take over your life. Friends and family are the cornerstone of our support, providing strength, love, and laughter.
Regardless of your age, getting abused is never easy. The trauma must be experienced in order to know it. Evern after therapy we may sometimes hold on to the trauma in our bodies. To help deal with releasing truama in the body, I have designed Project Phoenix. It is a workshop where you can release unwanted emotions in your body that are not allowing you to be free. To know more about Project Phoenix click here.
Here are a few ways of dealing with Trauma Triggers.
Detaching the emotion from the situation or experience will allow you to not feel the trauma intensly. To help you not associate emotions with painful memories, you can try Access Bars or Hypnosis. These techniques help you look at the past experiences from a different perspective and will allow you to remain detached. Learning to see the situation as a third party, like watching a movie, also helps you look at the experience with objectivity.
Invoking inner strength is a very good thing. We all need to remember that we are stronger than we think we are. It helps to remember all the difficulties you have overcome in the past and acknowledge the strength that you have within. You may think you do not have the strength or courage to do what you need to break out of toxic patterns or overcome difficult moments. When you look back in our past, you will release you did bring yourself out of hard times. Acknowledging this will give you the strenght you need.
Distracting yourself helps to a certain extent, but it is not always a good thing as it may suppress the emotions that may boil over at another time in the future. However, training your subconscious mind with healthy thought patterns and methods to address triggers is very helpful. If you are triggered by a person or a situation, learning to recognise your triggers and being prepared with a set of responses will help you feel more in control. This comes with a lot of self work and forging a deep relationship with one's self. All you need to do is spend time with yourself and ask when and how or by who or what are you triggered. Once you have a list, then decide what is the most appropriate way to respond to a trigger. Once you know this, it gets easier. After a point you will stop reacting to these triggers.
Lifestyle is very important. From giving gratitude to the Universe as soon as you wake up to all the things you do during the day sets the tone for your day, your week, your month and your year. Having a routine helps calm people with PTSD and other trauma related issues. Knowing the pattern of the day allows you to be more in control and may leave you with fewer chances of being triggered.
Accepting yourself for all that you are is important. However, many choose to use past hurt as an excuse to remain in a state of flux. Not willing to move forward and truly enjoy life. Some may use past trauma/hurt as bargaining cards in relationships. Recognise these patterns within you. It does not make you a bad person or a manipulative one. However, it will prevent you from truly healing and living a life of joy and happiness.
When you are ready to heal, know that I am here to guide you through the process. To know more about me and what I offer click here.